
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Best Christmas Gift, Ever

            I wonder what gift would I give to may inaanak, friends, family, my kids, etc...this coming yuletide season.  I'm thinking of  inexpensive gift but wrapped in a  beautiful wrapper;  Maybe an expensive gift wrapped in a simple wrapper or a gift that is priceless but not wrapped.  Whatever we choose the most important here was a gift that comes from the heart, a gift that cannot be measured of how much?, how beautiful it was?, best thing was the thought of sharing no matter how big or small our presence.  Hmm let us also not forget how God gave His priceless gift that has not been wrapped.  It is the most beautiful gift that human life ever received.  Let us not forget the true essence of this seasons...It is God love's for us that even we don't deserve this gift, He still gave it for us.... How wonderful this gift we have,  His only begotten son.  That sometimes or should i rather say most of the time we took for granted because it is unwrapped but if we try to look it in we see how great that give we have.

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