
Monday, April 26, 2010

Awesome Heat

    Oh my Gosh temperature today owww so HOT! Don't know when this high temperature will last, but i guess we are expecting more worse than this...It is extremely increasing God help us, save us from this captivating heat. Our dam was down on its critical enough water and then there's a fire in any places specially in those slum area. Owww this is not getting any better! And I'm thinking how will it be on rainy days? Will it be like...last year the worse among worse, ohhhh what was the future waiting for my kids?...better worse! I'm afraid...We are now experiencing the effect of global warming. Heard the news from iceland, volcanic eruption the Earth crust is extremely hot so it needs to exhaust. I wish we can do some remedies on this but,  i guess all these things need to be happened because it is written from the prophecy and it willl be done. Let us keep on praying that GOD will save us from all of this destruction of nature for all humanity.

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