
Monday, December 13, 2010

True Face of Christmas

Christmas lights on the street;  Christmas tree's already light-up;  People busy buying gifts; Parties everywhere;  Adult and kids on the street for Christmas Carol;  And many more activities during Christmas season.  How I wish people will never forget the True Face of Christmas.  

What was it 3000 years back?  A Star so bright in the sky...that night to light-up a child that has been born of a Virgin in the manger.  A promise of GOD's love that night had been brought for us sinners....whom destined to be the saviour of the world.  Thousands of angel in heaven singing their praises while rejoicing (even heavens rejoices for the coming of the saviour).  GOD who owns rather created the Heavens and Earth show great love and humility to humans who don't deserve to be loved. 

This season reminiscent us how great love GOD had shown for us let us not forget the True Face of Christmas a child had been born for us to be save, GOD's  great promise!  Lets all be thankful even without any delicious and plenty food to be prepared in our table for Noche Buena, gifts that wrapped in a glossy wrapper and every materials things we expect when this season come.  I also love gifts, but I never forget to give thanks to HIM! 

Don't forget to give thanks!

Be Beautiful!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

PLDT myDSL Broadband Blowout

Hey guys out there do check this out  PLDT my DSL ultra Broadband Blowout! The biggest PC and Broadband Sale! Hurry last day tomorrow December 5, 2010 at Event Center, Building A, SM Megamall.

See you there!

Be Beautiful!